A - Z of Manawaru
Everything you ever wanted to know about Manawaru School (well almost everything!). If you can’t find the answers to your questions here then please feel free to ask.
Children are expected at school before 8:25am each day. Absences should be notified by a telephone call to the school office or a text to the school cellphone. You can also advise us of an absence through your HERO aap. If you have not contacted the school we will ring or text you to check on your child’s absence.
We welcome parents to our assemblies. Monday morning assemblies celebrate sporting achievements and are an opportunity for us to focus on the weeks learning. Friday assembly starts at 8.45am and is run by the children. Each class has an opportunity to celebrates their learning with the school community, and success in a range of areas is celebrated. We would love to see you there!
There are two buses servicing Manawaru School in the morning. In the afternoon we have just the one bus plus the use of the school minivan. Please contact the school office should you need further clarification regarding the bus route.
In response to community feedback the BOT purchased a minivan. This bus is heavily subsidised by the BOT. Parents whose children use the service make a donation.
Eligibility for the Ministry of Education funded School Bus
a) Children nine years of age or under, must live 3.2 km or more (by the shortest route) to the nearest state or integrated school.
b) Children ten years of age or over, must live 4.8 km or more (by the shortest rote) from the nearest state or integrated school.
c) Children eligible for School Transport are expected to make their own way for 1.6 km to the school bus unless the transport is passing their home and not overloaded.
We communicate via HERO, email, text message and Facebook to parents/caregivers
It is important that you sign up for HERO as this is our main source of messaging to parents
Please refer to our Concerns and Complaints Policy. Please make initial contact with your classroom teacher and arrange a suitable time for discussion. If the issue is not resolved then make contact with the Principal.
Enrolments are made at the school office, phone 07 884 6691 or email office@manawaru.school.nz for further information regarding enrolments. You can also enrol online (link on our contacts page). As a Ministry of Education directive, we now have to hold an immunisation register at the school. All new entrants will be asked for an immunisation certificate confirming they are fully immunised. In the absence of a certificate, parents must show their Plunket Book where immunisations should be recorded.
We are very fortunate to have an active Fundraising Club who do so much more than their name suggests! They are enthusiastic and skilled fundraisers for the school and they are also incorporating a social dimension into their school support work.
As soon as you become a parent of the school, congratulations you become a member of this group!
HERO is our main vehicle for delivering all school information. This will contain the following school-wide information;
• Notices / Newsletters
• Communication from staff / teachers (to your email or app).
HERO is also our main reporting tool for your children. They each have an individual page that you are linked in to which you will receive a link to when your child enrolls with us. We will share regular snippets and updates in relation to your child’s progress at school. This includes progress against curriculum expectations, samples of work and child/teacher feedback about learning.
We encourage you to download the free HERO app to maximise its usage
We enjoy sharing the news from school each week. Our school newsletter is sent home via HERO every second Friday. On the alternative weeks our newsletter is sent out with our favourite Rural Delivery Man. This reaches approximately 400 letter boxes in our area.
The newsletters will keep families up to date with what is happening in classrooms, and school wide. A community section endeavours to keep people informed with goings on in the Manawaru community. If you have items you would like to see in the newsletter please contact the school.
The school welcomes parent help in a variety of ways.
Firstly check with the class teacher on how you can best help. Needs of teachers vary from class to class and levels of the school.
Assistance may be given accordingly:
Help with the reading programme
Help with school trips, camps, sporting outings
Coaching of school sports teams
Working bees
Fundraising events
As you can see there are many ways that you can help Manawaru Primary School be the best school ever.
We know that children learn best when we are working as a team.
Currently we meet with parents and children early in the first term to share some of the aspirations we have for learning throughout the year and again in Term two to report more specifically on achievement.
HERO posts will be made regularly throughout the year. We encourage parents to become a part of the learning journey by writing comments or giving posts a 'sparkle'. This type of reporting is designed to build year-on-year so that over time you will have access to comments assessments images video and helpful resources all in one place.
Written reports will present a balanced picture of progress and achievement. These will be sent home in Term two and Term four via HERO.
While that is our formal system we know that systems don't always suit need. If you need to share information, or gain information that will impact on learning please come on in. If you would like to see your child's teacher please make a time and let the teacher know the reason for your meeting so they can make sure they have all of the relevant information handy.
For this school year, in recognition of the hard work many of our school families put into our school, the B.O.T decided not to ask for school donations outside of fundraising efforts.
During the summer, swimming at school is a major part of our PE programme. All children are expected to take part unless there is a medical reason for not doing so.
Pool keys are also available for purchase for school families and community members. These are available from the school office.
The Year 7 and 8's travel to Te Aroha College once a week to partake in Tech classes. They experience Science, Food Tech, Dance, Metalwork, Robotics and Wood. There is a fee to cover expenses. This is set by the College and an invoice will be sent home early in Term One.
Manawaru School is proud to be a Silver Enviro School and strives to become a zerowaste school as part of our commitment to become a sustainable community. We encourage children to bring their food in reusable containers to limit the number of packaging and waste that makes it way to our landfills.
Check out our short video on ZeroWaste Ideas